About Us

Noble Community Clinics is a place where every member of your household can receive quality healthcare. As a community health center, we welcome patients at six locations in central and south central Wisconsin. We also use our Mobile Health Center to offer medical services to migrant and seasonal agriculture worker communities.

Our modern facilities and statewide reach are the work of decades. We have a rich, community-led legacy and are honored to live the mission through our daily work.

Curious About Our Start?

We’d be honored to share our story with you.

Community-Led Care

During the 1960s, a group of community leaders saw a need: Where can migrant farmworkers receive medical care? This group of healthcare professionals, migrant advocates and church leaders built the foundations of who we are today through volunteerism, small donations and strong conviction.

They hosted free migrant health clinics in local church halls.

In 1973 they were incorporated as La Clinica de los Campesinos, earned a Migrant Health Center designation and were able to purchase the first mobile health unit that was used seasonally to deliver medical care to migrant farmworkers.

A black and white photo of migrant children sitting on a flatbed farm truck. It was likely taken in the 1960s.

A Lived Legacy

Are you interested in getting involved? We have many ways you can support our mission.

  • Have you considered serving on our Board of Directors?
  • Would you like to sign up as a volunteer?
  • Are you interested in making a donation or designating a legacy gift?
  • Is your organization interested in running a fundraiser or requesting a visit from the Mobile Health Unit?

We’d love to get you involved and encourage you to reach out. Learn more here!

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