Compliance Program
Noble Community Clinics’ Compliance Program promotes ethical standards, law adherence, and safety through clear policies, staff training, and an open, confidential reporting system for concerns. The program ensures accountability and protects staff and patients from retaliation.
- Maintain and enhance the quality of care;
- Demonstrate sincere, ongoing efforts to comply with all applicable laws;
- Revise and clarify policies and procedures to enhance compliance;
- Enhance communications with governmental entities with respect to compliance activities;
- Empower all responsible parties to prevent, detect, respond to, report, and resolve conduct that does not conform with applicable laws, regulations, and the Noble Community Clinics code of conduct and code of ethics;
- Establish mechanisms for employees to raise questions and concerns about compliance issues.
- Compliance Program Goals: The goal of the Compliance Program is to ensure Noble Community Clinics staff maintains compliance with all applicable laws and regulations. Major features of the compliance program include:
- Maintaining written Compliance policies and supporting documentation designed to promote business integrity and compliant behavior among Noble Community Clinics staff and others who perform work on Noble Community Clinics’ behalf, including temporary workers, consultants, and contractors;
- Assigning daily operational responsibility for the Compliance Program to the Compliance Officer who reports to the CEO;
- Communicating Noble Community Clinics’ Compliance Program requirements to all staff;
- Providing ongoing training and education to all employees in all aspects of Compliance;
- Maintaining and promoting Noble Community Clinics’ Compliance Process through which anyone, internal or external to Noble Community Clinics, can anonymously report misconduct and safety concerns without fear of retribution or retaliation;
- Conducting timely and appropriate investigations into reported concerns about compliance violations and safety concerns; and
- Responding appropriately to any violations of compliance that are detected, and taking appropriate steps to prevent recurrence:
- Doing the right thing for the right reasons is the only way to earn and keep the confidence and trust of the public and the patients we serve.
- Staff Reporting Compliance/Safety Concerns: If you are a Noble Community Clinics employee and are aware of a suspected violation of any policy, regulation or law, bring it to the attention of your supervisor or department head immediately. If you do not feel comfortable contacting your departmental representatives, please contact the Compliance Officer. Specific names, dates, times, locations, and issue-specific facts will allow for a full investigation of issues. All reports will be investigated.
- Patients and/or Family Members Reporting Compliance/Safety Concerns: If you are a Noble Community Clinics patient and/or family member and are aware of a suspected violation of any policy, regulation or law or safety concern, bring it to the attention of your provider or go to the front desk and ask to speak with the Compliance Officer. Specific names, dates, times, locations, and issue-specific facts will allow for a full investigation of issues. All reports will be investigated.
- Compliance Program Confidentiality: Noble Community Clinics wishes to create a safe environment in which employees, patients and/or family members are not afraid to report suspected criminal activity, illegal or unethical conduct, concerns related to safety occurring within the organization. Noble Community Clinics also recognizes that individuals may be concerned about the confidentiality of information they share. To the extent possible or allowed by law, Noble Community Clinics will always strive to preserve confidentiality.
- Non-retaliation, Non-retribution Policy: No retributive or retaliatory actions may be taken against any employee, patient and/or family member for reporting suspected criminal activity, illegal or unethical conduct, or concerns related to safety occurring within the organization.
- Resolution of Issues: The Noble Community Clinics Compliance Officer will resolve any issue by initiating any investigations deemed necessary, referring complaints, providing a response to the complainant, or any other actions deemed necessary. All specific identifiers will be omitted to maintain the confidentiality of individual callers. To file a complaint, please complete a complaint form and submit it to the Compliance Officer. For more information regarding our Compliance Program contact our Compliance Officer at To view the Noble Community Clinics Patient Rights & Responsibility statement, see below.
When submitting a complaint to Noble Community Clinics, you may either provide your name and contact information or submit your complaint anonymously. Providing your name and contact information enables NCC to inform you about the actions taken in response to your complaint, and also to contact you should additional information be needed. It is our policy to treat your name as confidential information and not to disclose it to any other party. However, it may be necessary to share the complaint in the course of a complaint investigation. NCC policy forbids retaliatory actions against employees for having reported quality of care concerns.
Compliance Form
Please include the following when you email
- Name (you may either provide your name and contact information or submit your complaint anonymously)
- Address
- Who you are (Patient, Employee, Family or Significant other of a Patient, Remain Anonymous)
- Incident Date
- Incident Narrative (Provide a brief overview of your complaint)
- If we are allowed to contact you if we need more information related to the incident